Now the whole world turns. I look out; everything I need is here
My swing, my lamp and my shoes that can run quickly
Leaves that fall from the trees and cockerels that crow
Here are all the things that make me happy, and those that are fun
The strange things that I don’t understand
The things that hurt, that I don’t want to do
All that is tasty and tickles my tummy
Everything that is soon
Everything that is here right now
“And the sun is always shining” is a co-production between Teater Refleksion and Teater MY.
“Rosleff speaks with a promising mix of excitement and calmness, and with Dissing they are discreet and simultaneously present as puppet masters. ”
“In an impressionistic way ‘And the sun is always shining’ speaks to its children audience. With Moods and Images, the performance invites the children into a space of security and lifejoy. ”
“During and after the performance, I saw a kindergarten boy dragging his educator with him to the performers to tell how well he likes the performance”